Friday, January 27, 2012

Tech Talk 2012

Using Social Media IS Good Teaching!

How do online collaborative tools help sharpen our students' critical thinking skills and build a community of learners?  Social media tools such as blogsTwitterDiigoTumblrVimeo, and Prezi have been designed to give users an experience that actually mirrors how we learn best.  In this session, leaders from CPS and Columbia College will offer concrete ideas for embedding digital media tools in academic lessons to maximize student engagement and learning.  Get hands-on experience using several tools and walk away with free and easy ways to boost your current lessons and even improve your own personal media use.  Come collaborate with us!

From Samantha Penney

Goals for Today:
  • Deepen and sharpen awareness of how social media parallels best practices for teaching, learning, and thinking
  • Define our vision of a high quality blog post and discuss how to share that with our students 
  • Share concrete steps for setting up structures for using social media in our classrooms

Network Building
Spectrum (...and then some!)
Imagine a line across the room, from one wall to the other.  One wall represents one extreme, the other represents the opposite (and you can define that however you choose).  When the leader defines the extremes, participants place themselves along the imaginary line between the walls according to where they place themselves along the spectrum between the extremes.

Today's Spectrum:
"I love social media and use it all the time in my life and my work."/ "What's a blog?"

Divide the line at the median, and partner up with someone at the opposite end of the spectrum. (This is the "and then some" part.)

Through a brief discussion, find a definition of social media that both of you find useful.

Critical Response #1
Check out the video posted HERE.  Use the comments section below to respond to it.

Critical Blogging
In order to use social media to the top of its capacity, we must first understand what makes it a uniquely useful tool, beyond what we could do in our classrooms without it.  Therein lie the most interesting ways of building critical thinking and other 21st Century skills.
  • Connectivity (hyperlinks, sharing buttons, embedding)
  • Collaboration (comments, co-authoring)
  • Creativity (design elements, creative writing, inclusion of original media)
  • Curation and Personalization (depth of exploration as a reader, transmedia, multi-modality)
  • Problem Solving (Hey, tech happens, right?)
Blogs are full of these opportunities, but in order to take full advantage, we must first envision what high quality blogging looks like.  Then we must clarify our expectations with our students, hold their work to consistently high standards, and provide scaffolding and feedback to help them reach those standards.

Check out this example of high quality teacher-led work; Mrs. Yollis' blog was the winner of EduBlog's Best Class Blog Award for 2011.

Check out this example of high quality student-led work; Youth Voices provides structures and guidance for youth bloggers to participate in an active online community.

Below is a rubric you can use in setting expectations and providing feedback for your students.  Feel free to download the Google doc version HERE, and alter it to fit your specific needs or level of rigor.  There are also many other examples all across the internet.

How would your first critical response post have scored?

Critical Response #2
In your own blog post on the homepage (rather than in the comments section from Critical Response #1), work with your partner to compose a post that fits our definition of a high quality blog post.  Click HERE for a tutorial on posting to Blogspot, adding links and images, and embedding video.  Click HERE for a review of Critical Response.

Compare your two posts.  What do you notice?

So, Why Social Media?  

Setting Structures for Success
Set Intentions for Teaching and Learning
*Determine your Big Idea
*Set learning goals for students
*Link to Common Core
*Match goals to tools (digital and analog)

Build a Safe Community of Learners
*Choose appropriate tool/ community
*Communicate with parents
*Set expectations for online behavior
*Invite audience to read/ contribute

Develop Vision for High Quality Work
*Determine what skills to focus on (link to common core)
*Read other blogs, notice high and low quality
*Engage class in critical response about blogs
*Create rubric

Support Students' Progress
*Build opportunities for regular use and practice
*Use comments to provide feedback regularly
*Allow students to reflect on and revise work (even after publication)
*Develop mini-lessons to support specific skills, then follow up with practice

Take it to the Next Level
*Link to real-world question or problem
*Market blog to larger audience
*Flip your classroom
*Give top bloggers more autonomy
*Link to other social media to share work across platforms

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Integrating Pencils in the Classroom

Check out this video and write a brief response in the comments section below.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Convergence Summer Agenda

Convergence Classroom

July 19-21, 2011

8:30 AM-3:30 PM

View Northside College Prep in a larger map

Parking is available in front of the school in the lot.

You will need to bring a laptop with you, ideally the one you use throughout the year. If this is a problem, please contact Liz Radzicki at 312-369-8861 or

Coffee/etc and lunch will be provided all three days.


Day 1: Tuesday

8:30 Registration, Welcome

9:00 Keynote, Michael Fry

10:00 Carbon Footprint Campaign Kick-Off

10:30 Research, Topic Selection

11:30 Lunch

12:30 Book Club

1:30 Project Research

3:00 Reflection

3:30 Dismiss

Homework: Reflect on the day by posting to the blog.

Day 2: Wednesday

8:30 The Importance of Storytelling

9:00 Media Arts Workshops

10:30 Break

10:45 Campaign Design

11:15 Lunch

12:15 Build your Campaign

3:15 Reflect

3:30 Dismiss

Homework: View at least 3 other groups' campaigns and provide comments via the blog.

Day 3: Thursday (Modified July 21st)

8:30 Reflection on Carbon Footprint Campaigns

9:00 Deconstruct the Carbon Footprint Experience

9:30 Linking Convergence to Learning

9:40 Break

10:00 Unit Analysis

10:30 High Level Planning

11:30 Lunch

12:45 Learning Goals Reflection/ Review

1:30 Map Out Your Unit

1:50 Embed the 3 Cs

2:00 Work on building/exploring/sharing tools to suport unit

2:40 Reflection/ Commitment

3:00 Evaluation

Convergence Classroom is a collaboration between Columbia College Chicago's Center for Community Arts Partnerships and Chicago Public Schools' Technology Magnet Cluster Program, funded in part by the U.S Department of Education's Arts Education Model Development and Dissemination grant and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Before reusing or reposting, please contact Liz Radzicki at

Convergence Summer Camp: Carbon Footprint Project Outline


Introductory Video:

What You Need to Know: Carbon Footprint

Discovery Channel

How many earths do we need?

Check out American Public Media's Consumer Habits quiz to tell you how many earths we would need if everyone had the same habits as you for eating, shopping, commuting, etc.

Transmedia Library

We have compiled a library of high quality sources of information and stories surrounding the concept of "carbon footprint." The sources span a broad range of types of media: films, radio pieces, games, animations, simulations, infographics, twitter feeds, reports, blogs, articles, images, and more. Beyond a source of information and stories, we hope you use this library as a model for how to build and curate a transmedia library for yourself and your students.

Click HERE to get to the library and peruse articles, videos, podcasts, blogs, and much more media about Chicago's carbon footprint.

In your small groups...

Explore the library, using your question as a jumping off point. As you explore, please comment on the entries, submit other pages you find useful, ask and answer questions, and show off cool stuff you find to your partners in your group.

Share your findings with your group. What are the topics you think are the most fascinating, the richest to explore and build on?

Decide what specific topic your group wants to focus on for your campaign project: Is it recycling? Green Roofs? Bike paths? Or something as simple as unplugging your appliances? Once you've decided, please post it to the blog so everyone else can take a look!


Create a Media Campaign:

How can we reduce Chicago's carbon footprint?

Everyone in Chicago knows we need to cut down on our energy consumption, but the problem is so big and all-encompassing that no one knows where to start! We need people with good ideas to get the word out about specific things that families, communities, and the city as a whole can do to improve our environmental impact.

As an activist and media artist, we need you to create a media piece that raises awareness about a specific issue connected to our carbon footprint and calls people to action.

You can create a film, a website, a photo essay, a podcast, a PSA, an animation, or anything else you can imagine that tells this story. All the pieces will be collected in one location and together will comprise a transmedia activism campaign.

Guidelines for Media Pieces

· Pieces should be between 30 seconds and 3 minutes in length

· Pieces should target (and be shareable with) your specific audience (Family, Neighborhood, City)

· Information presented should be based in your research and what you find out from other people in this field

· Pieces should recommend a possible “next step” for your audience

Pieces should model appropriate digital citizenship, including:

-citing all sources used

-using only trustworthy and reliable sources of information

-being a positive and supportive member of our online community

-posting appropriate content and feedback that supports learning

The Story of the 3Cs:

A quest in 3 acts